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[Guide] How to effectively make YouTube videos [phish/spread or make money]

no face

This tutorial will show you how to effectively make YouTube videos for whatever reason.

Step 1) Making a good video.

Programs I recommend:

Sony Vegas (for video editing)
Camtasia (to record your screen)

You can download these at thepiratebay :wink:

If you want your video to get popular do not make some stupid low quality video with notepad comments.
When recording with Camtasia save your video as uncompressed, it will be a lot of gb's but when you later render it with Sony Vegas it will be way less.

The best thing would be to record your own voice, or you can add some nice looking text with Sony Vegas (You can download fonts here)
Look up some tuts on how to pan/crop your video, example if you show a fake program you can zoom in to give the viewers a better look at it.

This is a perfect tut on how to render good quality videos, its 3 parts.

Step 2) YouTube SEO.

Make your video title clean and easy to read.
In your description you can add a few tags, but don't use tags that have nothing to do with your video.
Keywords are also very important, make keywords like "party hat" if you don't add the quotation marks people will have a harder time finding your video.

Example for title: Runescape party hat generator [no surveys] - 2011
Example for tags in your description: runescape party hat generator 2011 no surveys
Example for keywords: Runescape "party hat" generator "no surveys" "no downloads" party hat

Step 3) After you uploaded.

After you upload your video you might think now I cant do anything and just hope, but that's not true.

Enable comments only with your approval, because there are always "smart guys" who know its fake.
Go to Enhanceviews and add some likes and custom comments to your video, when you just uploaded your video add few likes maybe 10.
And add few comments, don't comment like "omFGGG it works!!" 10 times

Tips) Few more random tips.

Make your video actually show that it works, this will boost your views for sure.
Always add music, and not that music 90% of all YouTube videos use (you know what I'm talking about)
Add a watermark to your video, this should stop other people from ripping your video and uploading it them self.
Make a new YouTube account with a name that has to do with your video.
Make your channel look nice, with a good background and remove your age/city/sex etc.
Once a week you can add a comment to your video like: Updated: works with new update now.

That's all hope this guide will help some of you guys.

I wrote this tutorial 100% my self, if you post this on other forums at least give me credits

master god

Omgg i had to make a video while holidays, but school starts tomorrow. :S


New Member
Love the guide, im using enhanceviews all the time. and it works great!


Good Tut, I use my YouTube bot for my videos. All i have to do is make a few accounts and load them in lol.


love this tut!! thanks mate!!!!!


Onyx user!
Nice guide, too bad I'm a nooby editor.