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Got caught for possession of narcotics.


New Member
Was going through my usual day at school, went to the bathroom to eat a couple edibles (school is very poor, no cams anywhere.) supposedly someone came in and noticed I had narcotics on me and told the main office. I went on with my day, because I had no idea someone saw me and ratted.

Later on I was pulled out of my class randomly by the assistant principle, not knowing anything was going to happen. So I followed him, at the same time the edibles were kicking in.. Once we made it to the office I couldn't feel my whole face (everything going numb to the edibles) so it was a little hard to talk. Once we both sat down, he asked me to set down my backpack and pull everything out of my pockets. I did what he said, and I was under the influence so I couldn't really tell what was happening, couldn't question him why he's asking me to do these things.

He found my grinder with residue in it, a joint,along with a pack of papers he took all of these.(bit mad about this) After this, he called my parents telling them everything I wasn't upset about that. But once he gave me a 10 day suspension I was a bit pissed, but not surprised.

So what I was wondering is, will they go to the cops? Will i be given a court date ?

And would it be ok to beat the living shit out of the rat?


Was caught in school with narcotics, got all my shit taken, given a ten day suspension might get a court date then billed for having possession of narcotics.


Well-Known Member
Ohhh you got suspended, ohhhh you not gon' finish
Ohhh you look familiar, ohhhh you look like Kenneth
Damn they gon' resent it, ohhh you representin'
A class of bad kids, 14,400 minutes ahhhh!

Shitty, man, but let it be a lesson not to be an idiot. Good luck.


Onyx user!
Beating the "living shit" out of the rat will make it worse for you, don't be silly. Good luck.


User is banned.
Kids still bring drugs to school? smh


just a guy
I have been caught more than once and all I have gotten was a 50 dollar fine, one time. Nothing will probably happen because if the school found narcotics on you during school hours they are required to call the cops, if they haven't then nothing will be done about this and if something does happen you may fight it.


User is banned.
I`ll answer you to the best of my knowledge (My younger brother got caught too)

There is a chance they will try to take you to court (Small but possible)
You`re definitely gonna get a fine of ($135+)
Don`t be the rat you`ll just make yourself look bad, and get in more trouble.
Bro be smarter than that...

As long as they didn't find any bag or bag(s) you wont get a felony, But since
you were caught on school grounds they`ll deff try to make it seem a lot worse than it is.
Just chill. Be smart. Careful who you talk to. delete this post cause your asking for advice on the
Web... :Facepalm:


User is banned.
No bullshit in this story, unrelated but this post brought back this memory lmao.

At my school we had cops and drug dogs come in about once every 2-3 months, we never knew when this shit was gonna happen though. Anyways, my class and 2 other classes were in the library so it was lowkey packed. We weren't allowed to fucking get up or anything until the drug dogs sniffed everything out and word spread that the cops were at our school doing a random search. One of my friends had a dime on him, so like a dumbass he got up and put it in a random ass book in one of the shelves and the dogs detected it. Needless to say he's the only one who got up and everyone saw him put it in the book besides the cops. The teachers caught on and told the cops so he was fucked and was paranoid/edgy as fuck. He ended up getting suspended for two weeks and got placed under house arrest for awhile. It was funny as fuck seeing the ankle bracelet everyday after he got back, it just reminding of how much of a dumbass he was lmao.

Didnt want to get too detailed and sit and type out the full story. Idk why I'm even posting this but idgaf 


Active Member
Nothing is going to happen. You've been suspended for possession of Marijuana. The school has the choice of keeping this issue confidential, and I think they will. Idk about fine, I don't see why you would get one? Anyway, they want you to learn so you're going to be fine.