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Favorite Year Of Pking?


Active Member

So I have been thinking a lot lately on my past of runescape pking, and one thing that was always big for me was runescape pking.

So my favorite age of runescape pking would probably be in 2008, I was just getting the hang of it and I was not a complete noob anymore, I did not die so much and did more of the killing. This was more of the bounty hunter days.

I enjoyed 2009 to, pretty much the day they added turmoil I stopped liking to pk as you just needed to put so much into your account to be a decent pker.

So what was your favorite year of pking?


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I would have to say for me it would be 07, that's when I was in my prima for scape pking.

F2p was always super fun for me.


Active Member
Mike said:
I would have to say for me it would be 07, that's when I was in my prima for scape pking.

F2p was always super fun for me.

Yea, I always had a fun time in f2p it was always really laid back.

DrecliN said:
Can't believe I forgot his name but it was something mage.

It was elvemage, and he invented hybriding and he was a boss.


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I have elvemage on MSN xD He's never on though... Sad life.


Active Member
Mike said:
I have elvemage on MSN xD He's never on though... Sad life.

I wonder how much someone would pay for the name Elvemage..


Active Member
Mike said:
I have elvemage on MSN xD He's never on though... Sad life.

Nice, I would probably ask for his e-autograph or something. lol tell him to go into paint and sign his name


Well i find the best pking on 2007 :/ also it was interesting back in 2005. I seem to enjoy Beta pking, it's whack at this moment, i just hope it gets somewhat better. Magic is seriously overpowered, heard something that the barrage spells might take up more spaces then 3x3 something like 5x5 or more. Also new 95lvl prayers are coming up for magic and range like turmoil, so i think we have a lot of to look up to, and wait. The greatest years might be coming up o.o this is something what I'm hoping for. Skilling is also going to be reworked on beta, atm pking on beta is shit and pointless, since you die, and go to pick up more items. so it's no fun, but i think once beta hits the game it will either be a new age of pking or 90% pkers will rage quit cuz of the ruined game.


I agree, i remember i was level 3 looting deep in the wildy. Full rune and lobbys


Power member.
2006-2007 were awesome years for pking, especially on my pures. 2009 was a fun year of pking on my main, except I didn't like the loot system JaGeX had that year....because of no free trade. Would get some awesome kills and get nothing good in the loot.

And 2008, I didn't even play Runescape (took a break). Haven't pked at all recently because I don't really have time and I don't really feel like making time for Runescape.

And before 2006, I didn't pk that much because I wasn't that great at it...was still a noob. =p
Kids ranqe was the shit, I still watch some of his vids from time to time just to reminisce