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Emergency Department..


Power member.
So i'm in the emergency department once again, and didnt know where else to post my feelings..

I was diagnosed with Costochondritis about 3 years ago, and its still acting up.

Definition from google:
Costochondritis is inflammation of the junctions where the upper ribs join the cartilage that holds them to the breastbone (sternum). Costochondritis causes localized chest wall pain and tenderness that can be reproduced by pushing on the involved cartilage in the front of the rib cage.

Basically, it's only supposed to last a few months.. Mine has been 3 years..
Ive been to the hospital a lot before about it, and they say it cant be Costochondritis because of how prolonged it is.. Of course, they tell me what it cant be but not what it is.. Im really scared and anxious right now, and I just want to know if any of you have similar issues?
I have alot of difficulty breathing and shortness of breath, tingling in my limbs, and chest pain. It feels like someone is sitting on my chest while im lying down, and the pain radiates to my back..

Do you guys know anything that could improve the condition? Im tired of coming to the hospital and being told the same stuff every time.
I've been on Tylenol 3, Naproxen, and Toradol for it and all havent worked at all..



Well-Known Member
Really wish I could help Juke hope you find out what it is.


discord: aguny
Damn... I'm not sure what could help that, but go through the whole situation being calm. It'll help with the anxiety a little. You just kind of have to accept where you are at, and don't hope it'll get better, assume it will get better. I've been in a similar situation except it wasn't any psysical body issues, it was mental.