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Don's MiddleMan Application.

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I think i am trusted enough to become an official middleman.

I have never scammed in the past. I've never stolen in real life. When you steal from another, you get that guilty feeling like you have just made a horrible decision. Everyone has made bad decisions in life, i know i have.

I've done some small deals with other members on "HackForums", and i have also did 3 "Currency Exchanges" on "HackForums". Im always open to buy and sell to members, but i also want to ensure that other trades go well for BOTH parties.

Please accept my application. You won't be let down. : ).


Power member.
We are not accepting any official middlemen at this time. There will be MANY requirements to become official. And you must have done middleman trades here before accepted for starters. We wont be accepting anyone for a while. At least a few months.
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