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does anyone feel depressed?


Onyx user!
is it only me, whenever i watch famous individuals like justin bieber, or any other famous teen celebrities my age which is 16-18ish,i get easily depressed like all the papparzi following them, all the girls screaming your name, like i think why this is not me, why is he better than me? idk i just this down to earth feeling, and makes me depressed, its like an addiction, i love watching those stuff for some awkward reason, although it bothers me.... anyone? :O i did a little google search, and i found many people feel this way aswell.


never really think about it that way. i wouldn't want to be famous. i like having my friends, being able to go places w/o being chased, etc.

i also know most kids arent like justin bieber, or other famous kids my age so that also doesn't bother me.

and lastly, i like to look at the positive things, and i just admit i will never be like a famous pop singer in the current music industry getting chased by 11-17 year old girls. which is understandable.


User is banned.
You might not have actual fans but you have kids screaming your name every time you play mw2 search on by.
But all jokes aside people like Justin Bieber get so much hate it wouldn't be worth it in my opinion.


Power member.
There's some cons for being famous too. Fuck bieber everyone is unique in their own way