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[DEBATE]Should weed be legalized?


Active Member
Well, I have been debating this with a few people over the course of the week and decided to see what other people think. Do you think marijuana should be legalized in the U.S.? I personally think it should be legalized because its not as bad as cigarettes and they are legal. Nobody has ever died from weed, but over 490,000 people die a year from tobacco use. That is over 1,300 people a day! Also, marijuana is used for medical purposes. What medical purposes do tobacco or alcohol serve? I don't think marijuana is the problem. I think the real problem is alcohol and tobacco.


No, it would cause all sorts of problems. If weed became legal, drug dealers would go out of business as the government will control this industry as it will be very profitable. In a way, drug dealers and other illegal drug trafficking people do not want it legalized.


Active Member
MisterTickle said:
No, it would cause all sorts of problems. If weed became legal, drug dealers would go out of business as the government will control this industry as it will be very profitable. In a way, drug dealers and other illegal drug trafficking people do not want it legalized.

It would not put them out of business. The goverment can't tax it, its not patented. That's why its illegal. It could be legal, but you still would have to obtain it from a dealer.


Of course...

Lungs you only have 2 brain cells you have milions....

Btw why to drink.and.drive when you can smoke and fly ;)


Active Member
Icon said:
Of course...

Lungs you only have 2 brain cells you have milions....

Btw why to drink.and.drive when you can smoke and fly ;)

Weed doesn't kill brain cells, it temporarily "freezes" them while you are high. They return back to normal when the high wears off.

Myth: Marijuana Kills Brain Cells. Used over time, marijuana permanently alters brain structure and function, causing memory loss, cognitive impairment, personality deterioration, and reduced productivity.

Fact: None of the medical tests currently used to detect brain damage in humans have found harm from marijuana, even from long term high-dose use. An early study reported brain damage in rhesus monkeys after six months exposure to high concentrations of marijuana smoke. In a recent, more carefully conducted study, researchers found no evidence of brain abnormality in monkeys that were forced to inhale the equivalent of four to five marijuana cigarettes every day for a year. The claim that marijuana kills brain cells is based on a speculative report dating back a quarter of a century that has never been supported by any scientific study.



Active Member
Yes it does dude, Meth kills braincells not sure where you get your facts but there not true. I listen in health and I heard from a drug officer right from his lips "Weed kills Brain cells so does mari." End of the deal dude, I dont think he would lie to us if he went to school for 10years to be where he is at today. So deal with it.


Active Member
Cooper said:
Yes it does dude, Meth kills braincells not sure where you get your facts but there not true. I listen in health and I heard from a drug officer right from his lips "Weed kills Brain cells so does mari." End of the deal dude, I dont think he would lie to us if he went to school for 10years to be where he is at today. So deal with it.

Health class = School = Goverment Regulated
Drug officer = Goverment

It all goes back to the goverment corrupting peoples minds.
Why weed should be legal