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Call of Duty Black Ops Money?


Power member.
Fanatic said:
I could sell BO Money. Would this be a good idea or bad?
Let me Know.

You mean like points? You could not really sell it you would have to do the wager match boosting and give it to the buyer that way. Which is more hassle than its worth to me anyways. And I have never seen anyone interested in buying it before. :/


Power member.
Fanatic said:
Gerr finaly, posted this on HF and no 1 answered me. Everyone posted scammer and that you cant transfer points.

if u no how im doing it, its not rreally to hard.

Yeah you would have to use the glitch to get matched in a wage match, which the person that buys the points than double down and hope he wins. Thats really the only way. It just would take too much work plus there is not much of a market for it so yeah. :/


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I don't think someone would want to buy this