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Beginners batch tutorial


Hey everyone and welcome to my batch tutorial for beginners. Batch is basically a CMD line type coding style. You tell your PC what to do, and for the MOST part it's taken, or read, by CMD.

Now, batch is convenient because it's light and portable. Batch can be ran on any system, (with the exception to some Unix* systems) and it's all done in notepad!

So! To start batch, you should know a few simple commands.

Here are the "beginner" commands that I've chosen to teach about today.


So let's start! So first were going to open notepad.

EVERY batch program you write starts with @Echo off. Now why is this?
@Echo off makes it so your location isn't given away. Heres this difference:

This with @echo on

And this is with @echo off

So that's the difference, it doesn't give away were the program location is!

Now Echo in batch is the basic command to output text.
So basically, it'd be like this:

Echo Hello I'm Proxy Bypass
Echo I'm from RSPortal
Echo I'm testing the echo command!

Now that would make 3 lines of text appear staying the 3 lines we typed! Simple enough?

Title is simple, it make's a title appear on your programs!
So you'd simple type

Title Your title goes here

And it'd look like this:


As you see, it says "Hey guise" On top!

Now the start command! This'll basically start a website, or program location
So you'd type it like this!

Start www.rsportal.com

And then it'd take you to that site!

The pause command is very important, it gives users time to read the code or text on the screen!

Let's say you have this code:

@echo off
Title by proxy bypass
Echo hey rsportal!

That wouldn't give the user any time to read whats going on
BUT if you have

@echo off
title by proxy bypass
Echo hey rsportal

Now once the program gets to the pause command it reads out "Press any key to continue" So you can see it can be quite helpful.

the goto command can be used in two ways, but for today i'll show you the easier way.

For the goto sue can be very useful, it can be used like this:

goto c:/users/vince/documents
This will then open that location.

So now you know the basics of batch, I will soon do a advanced tutorial, hope this helps!