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Auth code

Pink Floyd

Active Member
I have absolutely none. I don't play RS often so it being banned would not be an issue. Anyone willing to share one?

Sage Mode

Onyx user!
Sharing doesn't necessarily = banned. People just need to learn how to share the right way, if you'd like I can give you my data.db pink. Just replace it with the one in your bot-client.
Depending on which auth/auths you're interested in using, I may be able to share some with you =o
I'm not worried about them being banned because I know how to keep it from getting banned in the first place, and even if it manages to get banned, I get a replacement from the site. =)

Pink Floyd

Active Member
I'm not on RS very often, so being banned wouldn't be likely. I'm looking for an auth that would help my new f2p pure get started.