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An informative thread on how to report correctly. - Junked by Crayo



What is reporting?

Reporting is when you notify a post or a thread to the staff of SimplyGFX because it is breaking some sort of rule. Not many people go around and report, but catching them while browsing will just help SG.

Where is the report button?
At the bottom of every post in a thread there is a button that says report then you have options for reporting.

Why would I waste my precious time on SG reporting while I could be doing other things?

To be honest the only way to really want to report is the ambition to want to report and help the community.

Now you may ask; how can I be helping so much by just reporting?
Think about it this way; staff aren't bots and they can't catch every single wrong thing that happens on this forum on their own. Reporting posts will help them find all the things they couldn't find.

What happens if I don't know what to report an item as?

This can be solved easily. When clicking the report button and cosing the option; choose "other".

Like stated above staff aren't bots so even if you report something in the wrong meaning, they will still scan the post and check if anything is wrong with it other than what you reported it as.

Are there rewards if we report?

To be honest; the act of reporting should be a personal thing that you just want to help the forum and it's a gift in itself, but there is a gong to be a award coming soon.

How can I make myself determined or find things to report

First off when "hunting" for reports make sure that you actually are reporting appropriately and you know what you are doing. If you are reporting random things like this thread for "Flaming" that would obviously mean you are just trying to fuck reporting up or you are trying to get your reported posts up.

A good tool to find things to report is the "View New Posts" option right next to "View Today's Posts" option. Usually that option is the only way to go because staff hate it when you report things that are 2 years old.

The "Do's" and "Don'ts" When reporting.

  • Check to see if a staff is online before you start reporting in a hunting manner. If you want to even be more respect full; PM the staff and ask if they are okay if you report a lot of ACCURATE things.
  • Make a goal for yourself for a day when you want to report
  • Pace yourself! You don't have to immediately become a pro reporter! Set your first goal of 25 reports/day
  • Take your time clicking what you are reporting the item is so then you're sure you didn't just mess up.
  • Want to report. Don't do it just for the award.

  • Don't report as the wrong thing to many times. You will get in trouble.
  • Don't report too many LQP's in one thread. It just gets annoying.
  • Don't report things that are over a week old or that wouldn't be seen. (Especially 2 year old things)
  • Don't "speed report" meaning don't act like you are on crack and making the reports fill up. As stated before; staff aren't bots so they have to check every reported post. If you are reporting like crazy there can be a consequence

Where can I see my reported posts?

Go to your Profile and there is a log that says "Reported Posts:" That's where they will show up if you have any. If not you must report to get them


I noticed when I was being an attention whore, stating how many reported posts I had then, many users were calling me a snitch. Reporters, don't think of yourself as snitches. Usually the ones calling us snitches are the ones doing to wrong and unwanted things here. If you think otherwise about that, that is your opinion if you want to think we are snitches think about it this way; we are helping the community more than you are. When you're calling us snitches for making the community better, yet you love this forum you are being a hypocrite, but I don't care about your opinions when it comes to that because everyone has your right to speak and everyone has their right to listen or not, I chose not to listen or I will just debate back with you.

Final few things

I hope that this has helped users that don't know how to report or haven't really wanted to. I hope that this has opened some users minds to want to report and help the community as others have come to realize and do them selfs too!

If you have any questions about reporting or want to have a fun chat about them or pretty much any feed back and support you can post it here or Private message me!


RE: An informative thread on how to report correctly.

It still says HackForums on it. ^^