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Updated Paradon request


Original forumkorner profile:http://www.forumkorner.com/user-52353.html
Story: So i was banned for scamming out and I scammed @Wax, I have since payed back @wax and I will include a screenshot of him admitting to me paying him back.I do sincerely apologize for scamming out, and have  changed my ways. I used to own 2 groups, and regularly made purchases from @Philly if i am unbanned I would like to purchase two of my groups back. I originally was unbanned immediately after paying wax back, but Philly told me to make this, so I am doing it. I promise I will never do anything such as scamming out again, and I just want to come back to the community. I really hope that I may come back and once again continue to contribute to the forums in a financial as well as help the forum to grow.
Thanks fo reading,


Power member.
Upon being unbanned you will be stripped of all your membership upgrades, donation awards and any other on-site item you may have once had. If you do anything that breaks our rules again you shall receive another ban but be ineligible to be pardoned back.