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Power member.
From this second forth any disrespect, rumors, false claims, and anything similar towards my team will result in perm bans. Doesn't matter who you are. This is the only warning I will be giving out.

Everything below this old news, and irrelevant as to why this thread is bumped/stickied.

FOR THE RECORD: Jimmy hasn't scammed anyone ever, so those of you jealous of him being staff can get off his back attempting to get him demoted.

Mods, staff, and admins cannot receive rep at this time. Crying about not being able to give reputation to team members is pointless and will now result in a temporary ban.

Now that that is HOPEFULLY out of the way, the new theme should be completed very soon. It's looking great imho. For a screenshot check out the spoiler below. Please just keep in mind this is not the finished product and there is quite a bit of work that still needs to be done. If you have questions or suggestions about the theme feel free to post them. There will also be a dark version so please don't suggest that, thanks.


New group:
I have decided to make a new group named, Verified. To get into the group you must verify your real life identity. Your information will then be saved privately. The purpose of the group is to have only the most legit members within, anyone in the group that so happens to scam will be reported and prosecuted by the law. We will share your information with absolutely nobody else for any reason. The group will be owned, and ran by me. This group will only have the most legit members in it.


User is banned.
Thank you for clearing this drama up. The new theme is also looking great. I hope to join the new group sometime. :)


User is banned.
I like the new design. But I love the current one :p!


Power member.
Glad to see some new updates Philly and also glad to see all the whining and flaming about staff addressed.


User is banned.
The new group sounds awesome, it's a great idea I've seen it somewhere else just can't put my hand on it.

Glad to see you gave everyone a warning about it.

And the new theme, I'm not to sure how I feel about it.. I don't like the Header at all.


Active Member
Thanks, Philly.
Everyone is being immature as fuck lol
Awesome theme :)

I'm def gonna get into that group :)
PM me when you need my info braw


Power member.
Profanity said:
I like the new design. But I love the current one :p!

All the previous FK themes will be/remain an option for members. :)

Bend said:
The new group sounds awesome, it's a great idea I've seen it somewhere else just can't put my hand on it.

Glad to see you gave everyone a warning about it.

And the new theme, I'm not to sure how I feel about it.. I don't like the Header at all.

The group idea came 100% from sythe,org, and the theme has some work especially in the header.


Power member.
Who would have access to the information of the user in Verified? Would all mods or admins be privy to it, or just yourself?


User is banned.
Philly said:
All the previous FK themes will be/remain an option for members. :)

That's actually a good idea. Great stuff!
Hope everything goes well with the new group!


Power member.
Raptor said:
Who would have access to the information of the user in Verified? Would all mods or admins be privy to it, or just yourself?

The only person that will have access to the information will be me, and it will be stored in a safe. It will never be used at all unless a scam occurs which only law enforcement will then see. It's basically a way for members to become more trusted without having to pay any money or anything of that sort.


Power member.
Philly said:
The only person that will have access to the information will be me, and it will be stored in a safe. It will never be used at all unless a scam occurs which only law enforcement will then see. It's basically a way for members to become more trusted without having to pay any money or anything of that sort.

Fair enough, I'll consider it. What information would be required? Also, are you certain that handing over the real life information of a person who scams is admissible in court without people joining verified agreeing to a TOS/other contract?


User is banned.
Philly said:
All the previous FK themes will be/remain an option for members. :)

The group idea came 100% from sythe,org, and the theme has some work especially in the header.

Yep, that's it. I hope it will have a nice userbar and maybe an award to go with it?


User is banned.
Glad to finally see some progress with the new theme :) Thank you for sorting out all that unessisery drama, it was beginning to irritate me. With the release of the new theme would be an ideal time to incorporate my User Feedback Evaluation (UFE) system.. Please consider :p


Bump Bot

Active Member
I'll join Verified! I'm happy that Philly cleared up everything. Thank you Philly! What do I need to send to get into your new group?


Power member.
Raptor said:
Fair enough, I'll consider it. What information would be required? Also, are you certain that handing over the real life information of a person who scams is admissible in court without people joining verified agreeing to a TOS/other contract?

A very detailed thread will be made very shortly with more details, and requirements.

RaNDoM said:
I love the theme! I suggest you add buttons on it like this theme linking to FK's YouTube and twitter and facebook.

They currently are on the bottom right hand side of the footer, which you cannot see in this particular screenshot. I am still debating whether or not I will be adding them to the header instead of not.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the update Philly. Hope to see the new theme soon, looks alright to me, not sure on the graphic at the top though. Did you end up designing it yourself or did you find someone?
I also wouldn't mind trying to join the group in the future, seems like it may be interesting. I'm sketched with releasing personal information though, i'll have to know more about how that goes. :p

Edit: My main suggestion would be to PLEASE keep the "Mobile Version" button at the bottom. I'd really appreciate that feature.
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