World at War Mods -Online- (Zombies) [NO JTAG!]


Hello everyone, I will be teaching you how to get mods on World at War online with a USB stick.

First here are some things you need:

Modded GPD


Xbox (Part 1):
1. Go to campaign on WaW and click "New Game"
2. Once you pass the cut scene with the Japanese killing your friend, press start and click on "Save and Quit"
3. Go to the Dashboard -> System Settings -> Memory -> Hard Drive -> Call of Duty: World At War
4. Find your saved game that is attached to your profile
5. Move it to your USB

1. Open up Modio and extract the gamesave to your desktop
2. Drag the gamesave into Modio
3. Take the modded gamesave that you downloaded and drag it into Modio as well
4. Copy the Profile ID and Console ID from the gamesave that you got off of your Xbox to the modded one.
5. Click Rehash and Resign on the modded gamesave
6. Replace the gamesave on your USB with the modded one you downloaded and edited
7. Take your USB and plug it back into the Xbox

Xbox (Part 2):
1. Move the savegame back to your Hard Drive
2. Start up WaW and click on resume game
3. As soon as it loads up, press the Xbox button, then press "Save and Quit"
*Sometimes, the "Save and Quit" feature won't show up, if so, simply have a friend invite you to a game of zombies.
4. Now, go to Zombies -> Xbox Live.
5. Congrats! You have mods online! This works online, in a private match, and solo!

How to use the mods:
DPAD Up = Change Vision (Contrast, etc.)
DPAD Left = Give all
DPAD Down = Drop Equipped Weapon
Right Bumper = Noclip
Left Bumper = Control Time Frame
Back Button = None
Start Button = Push only once (activates mods), if pushed again (disable god mod, etc.)
^ Be careful, if you are getting hit/outside the map, and you press the start button, you may die!

If you need any help what so ever, simply PM me!