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Zombie Survival Tip Ideas?


Well-Known Member
Fancy new section, guess I'll make an attempt to put it to work. I have to write a ten page (going to half ass it) zombie survival guide for sci-fi lit today. I could use some ideas. If I receive any help and choose to use it, I'll post the whole thing here and give credit where deserved. :p


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I don't know how much this will help but... if I were in a zombie apocalypse I would go to Walmart or Costco and find a rake or sharp object and just camp out there. Literally everything you need is there.


wash said:
I don't know how much this will help but... if I were in a zombie apocalypse I would go to Walmart or Costco and find a rake or sharp object and just camp out there. Literally everything you need is there.
Out of all the things at walmart you'd get a fucking rake? Lol, get a gun bruh. But don't write it over some stupid mainstream shit like walmart, do something creative that no one in your class will have. I'll post an idea when I'm home from school.

I have to puke

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I have a few ideas... but I'm not sure on your perspective? Is this supposed to be strictly a guide? Are you supposed to tell a story?


Well-Known Member
I have to puke said:
I have a few ideas... but I'm not sure on your perspective? Is this supposed to be strictly a guide? Are you supposed to tell a story?

Didn't really matter which, but I went with a guide to make it easier. I've procrastinated a month on this project. Did 4 pages last hour, hopefully I can come close next hour. I went with the form of: Part (1,2,3), then a topic (ex. Transportation, shelter, etc.), paragraph why it's important, and a picture at the bottom.

Bump Bot

Active Member
People will be running to get good food but if you run to the pet store you can stock up on dog food it's packaged meat and is pretty good for you.


Well-Known Member
Pun said:
People will be running to get good food but if you run to the pet store you can stock up on dog food it's packaged meat and is pretty good for you.

Not a bad idea. Could also free all the animals and become lord of the pets, create your own pet army defenses. On top of that, bitches love puppies, no need to find a mate.

Sons Of Anarchy

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I think it should be a good story if you make the people go in too old abandoned mines.
Where some collapse.


Onyx user!
Stock up on gasoline and drive to an extremely small and isolated town with only one or two major food markets or departments stores. Fend for yourself in the store and block the doors with some of the crate-moving vehicles found in the back rooms. Since you will be in a town with few people there will be much less zombies to have to deal with, making scavenging outside of the store a lot safer than if you were to be in a highly populated area.


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wash said:
I don't know how much this will help but... if I were in a zombie apocalypse I would go to Walmart or Costco and find a rake or sharp object and just camp out there. Literally everything you need is there.
This had me rolling you would get a rake lel.


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wash said:
@Rambo rakes are very viable weapons. Rakes and shovels.
All I need is a knife or my hands and I should be set like I was in Nam ;)


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wash said:
@Rambo or you could headglitch behind a table in your basement with an M60
@Rambo doesn't need to headglitch, case closed.