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Are any of you in College?


Active Member
I was just wondering if there are any users who are starting college or currently enrolled in College? If so post below? Share what you are going to study/major in.

My Major: Electrical Engineering

What is that? A field of engineering that generally deals with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.
(Basic Definition)
4 Years.

I'm on my 2 year now. I'm going for my Bachelors Degree.

Share your courses if you go to college.



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I goes to teh college.

Major: Civil Engineering (Second semester Junior starting Fall 2014. I graduate from Civil in 3 1/2. Lots of classes done before I got to college.)

Master: MBA (Master Business Administration....if you didn't already know. I just got accepted two weeks ago when I finished my GRE, and got my scores back. Cannot start until second semester senior year though :()
School of study: University of Arkansas

Basic Rundown of Civil Engineering: Bridges, roads, building foundations, buildings, and pretty much making sure people don't fucking die when the building/road/bridge is constructed.

EDIT: Just noticed that I was suppose to share my courses. Hmmmm....well my are generally the same as yours for Freshman year. Chem for Engineers I & II, Physics I, Geology, Calculus I & II, Linear Algebra, Diff Eq, Structural Materials, Soil Mechanics, Structural Analysis (biggest bitch), CADD, Surveying, Mechanics, Engineering Econ, Statistics, Intro to Engineering I & II, Hydraulics, Transportation Engineering, Environmental Engineering, and some other bull shit buffer courses.

EDIT EDIT: You'll find that the majority of the people on this forum are not in college yet.

EDIT EDIT EDIT: Congrats on Electrical. That's a very intense degree (Most Engineering is besides Industrial/Imaginary Engineers, but yours is on the higher end of difficulty. :p). I have a few friends in it.