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Beep boop I'm going back to school next month. :D

Glitter Milk

Active Member
So I've enrolled again because I'm bored and want to further my education.
(I already have AA in photojournalism and Cosmetology license)

Associate in Science Degree: Computer Information Technology.

Classes I have lined up: (strikethrough are classes I've already taken thank the lordddddddddddddddd)

English Comp I
Intro to Ethics
Elementary Statistics I
College Algebra
Social Problems

Environmental Ethics
A+ Certification Training I
Database management
Intro to Operating systems
Intro to Information technology
Web programming
Intro to computer programming I
CCNA1: Networking basics
Advanced Operating systems UNIX/Linux
Visual Basic Programming
Intro to wireless technology
Website Development
Computer security Policies and Disaster Preparedness
Java Programming
Computer Programming II
C# Programming
Database Programming
Developing Web Sites Using PHP/Mysql
Intro to help desk concepts
Implementing and Supporting MS-Exchange
Planning, Implementing and Maintaining a Windows Server Network
Administering MS SQL Server
CCNA2: Router Technology
CCNA3: Advanced Routers
CCNA4: WAN Technologies

Has anyone already taken any of these classes? I'm going to need some extra assistance with a few so I want to find someone I can always go to if I have a question about anything.

Other than that, yay me :3

Glitter Milk

Active Member
Well I currently work 9am - 8pm every day but Sundays
So these courses are mostly going to be done online.
Don't worry c: @Japanese.
No more abandoning FK!

Glitter Milk

Active Member
Yui said:
Beep boop good luck in your classes! Beep boop.

Oooooooh I see you are a fellow robot!
Thank you so much I can't wait to start

Only downfall is I'm paying out of pocket for these first two classes so hopefully I get reimbursed when I pass x.x


Power member.
Best of luck to you in your classes.


Well-Known Member
The only one of those I've taken in my Electronic Technologies studies has been "Intro to Operating systems" which was frustrating as it's meant to be taken with previous knowledge on at least basic programming haha.

Good luck with it though, I'm sure you'll do fine ;p


based šŸ˜Ž
I'm taking CCNA:1 now.
Decent, so far.
Hope you have success in your classes.

Glitter Milk

Active Member
@Random Frustrating? ufrghrhgudfrgvjslvgj I'm so scared ;w; Hold me ;w;/

I've done basic programming in HS so hopefully some of it comes back to me.
My ex taught me Java and VB, so I pray those are a breeze.
If not, I'm sending him mean texts. :mad:

Thanks for the heads up though.

@Gym good to know :)
How long ago did you start?


based šŸ˜Ž
@Glitter Milk'
I'm taking the course in my high school, as it is offered.
It is likely a bit different than the one you are going to be enrolled in.

I started my second semester, beginning of February.
We work off of Cisco Netacad, https://www.netacad.com/ online lessons, mainly.

Let us know how they go.


I am doing cosmetology too! But I will pay you if you do a word history paper for me!!